CSLA, LACF and OALA Presentations to University of Guelph Students
In October, Christine Abe, accompanied by Justin Whalen, OALA, and Landscape Architectural Interns Tatijana Vukovic and Steven Shuttle (former and current OALA Council representatives, respectively) met with students at the University of Guelph to discuss LACF scholarships, research grants, CSLA and OALA student benefits and a career in landscape architecture.
Announcing the Inaugural Walter H. Kehm National Scholarship
The Landscape Architecture Canada Foundation is pleased to recognize an exceptional contribution to the profession of landscape architecture made by Walter H. Kehm which will allow LACF to award a yearly scholarship of $5,000.
Sonja Vangjeli Receives the 2024 Robert N. Allsopp Urban Design Fellowship
Congratulations to Sonja Vangjeli on being the recipient of the 2024 Robert N. Allsopp Urban Design Fellowship for her project titled "Relational Urbanism: A Framework for Sustainable Urban Habitat".
Find out more about Sonja and her urban design project:
Frederick Gage Todd Scholarship Awarded
Congratulations to Connor Budd, the recipient of the 2024 Frederick Gage Todd National Scholarship!
"Connor's research focuses on a challenging scope to be addressed among today’s numerous issues." - 2024 Frederick Gage Todd Scholarship Jury
Thank You to 10 Generous Frederick Gage Todd Scholarship Donors!
Thanks to the 'Ten for Todd' fundraising campaign, we can provide landscape architecture students with the support they need to pursue and address society’s aspirations for sustainable ecosystems and healthy human habitats.
The 2024 "Ten for Todd" are: Christine Abe, Peter Briggs, Trevor McIntyre, Faye Langmaid, Eha Naylor, Cynthia Girling, Maglin Site Furniture, Virginia Burt Designs, pl.ural (Sean Kelly and Stasia Stempski), and Margaret Ferguson.
Research Grant Applications Deadline is November 15
Photography credit: The image accompanying recent communications calling for LACF research grant proposals was taken by Ryan De Jong
The LACF Grants Jury is open to submissions exploring new design theories, speculations about new landscape interventions, questioning the current norms of practice, and arguing for new areas of research and professional development, as well as submissions seeking to expand the traditional areas of landscape research. Grant applicants should push beyond the boundaries of everyday practice.
We invite applications from CSLA professionals, educators, PhD candidates and others seeking to explore or question an issue or particular interest they believe to be crucial to the profession or to the landscape.