Donations by Individuals and Firms

1. Make a Donation in the Name of Your Landscape Architecture or Multidisciplinary Firm OR as an Invidual

Making a donation is one of the many ways that you can support the Foundation. As a charitable entity, LACF provides tax receipts for all gifts received and adheres to the Donor Bill of Rights

LACF Membership: When you make a donation of $100 or more, you automatically become an LACF Member and a part of a dedicated community that supports and enables the Foundation to expand its impact.  Membership benefits include regular updates about LACF activities; the right to vote at the LACF Members Meeting; and recognition on our website.

Donate today 

Categories of Giving from Landscape Architecture and Multidisciplinary Firms -

  • Platinum: $15,000
  • Gold: $10,000
  • Silver: $5,000-$10,000
  • Bronze: $1,000-$5000
  • Green: $500-$1,000

Categories of Giving from Individuals - OUR LEADERS

  • Leaders' Circle: $10,000 or more
  • Gold: $5,000-$10,000
  • Silver: $2,500-$5,000
  • Bronze: $1,000-$2,500
  • Green: $500-$1,000

Direct Your Gift 

You can direct your donation to a project, fund, activity or scholarship that corresponds with your personal values. When you choose to direct your gift to the LACF Annual Fund, you provide essential financial support for research and communication initiatives and the continued success of LACF’s Annual Grants Program + special project funding; when you choose a scholarship fund, you help a student by contributing to their success; when you direct your donation to a bursary fund, you channel your support in a direction that you believe makes a difference.  It is your choice.  

2. Bequests Made in your Will & Planned Giving

Bequest Made in Your Will: When you make a bequest to LACF in your will or trust, you are making a difference for future generations.  If you are considering a legacy bequest to LACF, do let us know. We would like to recognize your commitment by including you as a member of the Frances Blue Legacy Circle. With this gesture, you will join other like-minded individuals who value the ideals upheld by LACF and inspire others to do the same.

Planned Giving: A planned gift can provide you and your family with tax advantages depending on your situation. Contact your personal financial advisor to learn more about your options. 

If one of these opportunities is of interest or if you would like additional information, click here to learn more.

3. Honour and Memorial Giving

Gifting the Foundation in honour or in memory of someone is a thoughtful and meaningful gesture.   A card will be sent to the person you wish to honour or to the family of your memorial gift informing them of your donation and, if you wish, your gift will be mentioned in the LACF Annual Report.