Our Vision and Mission

LACF’s vision: LACF believes in the power of landscapes to transform our common future.

LACF’s mission: LACF invests in research, communication and scholarship that advances our collective capacity to shape resilient, equitable and meaningful landscapes for all.

About LACF    

LACF keeps you informed with regular updates and news about ongoing activities and initiatives. Be in the know and in the now.  Sign up for our e-News in the footer of this page.


LACF counts on sponsors and supporters for the critical financial resources needed to build and implement core programs and activities aligned with our mission. 

Support LACF   



LACF invests in research that subscribes to the principles of the CSLA Canadian Landscape Charter and to the LACF mission of making positive and lasting contributions to our natural and built environments. Since its inception in 1988, LACF has invested over $500,000 to more than 150 research initiatives that challenge the bounderies of everyday practice and that have a distinctly Canadian focus.

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LACF supports communication initiatives that advance the understanding of the fundamental values of the profession of landscape architecture. From helping to establish the award-winning CSLA magazine, Landscapes | Paysages to seed-funding Canadian publications and events about "landscape", LACF aims to spread the word by communicating widely. 

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Our scholarship program is growing rapidly.  With a total of 17 Scholarships currently housed under the LACF banner, the Foundation is aiming to increase awards from $15,000 to $25,000 annually for national and regional scholarships combined. Your generous support is essential to reaching this target. Investing in our next generation of leaders promises a better future for all. 

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