What We Do and Who We Are
Landscape Architecture Canada Foundation (LACF) is a national charitable organization established in 1988 by members of the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects (CSLA).
LACF’s vision: The LACF believes in the power of landscapes to transform our common future.
LACF’s mission is to invest in research, communication, and scholarship that advances our collective capacity to shape resilient, equitable and meaningful landscapes for all.
To realize its mission, LACF solicits, receives and manages gifts, grants and legacies; sets policies and establishes program priorities; and reviews, funds and communicates its activities and programs.
Since its foundation in 1989, the LACF has awarded $711,075 in Research Grants (as of 2024) and $202,220 in Scholarships (as of 2024).
LACF is primarily a volunteer organization with an Executive committee and Board of Directors dedicated to promoting and advancing the fundamental values of the profession of landscape architecture through ongoing core programs.
LACF is grateful for the increasing number of Supporters and Sponsors who provide the critical financial support needed to grow and build an even stronger Foundation.
Watch this video about the LACF
Surrey Bend Regional Park_ space2place design inc._ 2018 CSLA Award of Excellence
Promoting and Advancing the Core Values of the Profession
The profession of landscape architecture strives to balance human use and enjoyment of land with conservation and health of the environment. LACF supports this fundamental ideal, which includes (but is not limited to):
- conserving and managing environmental resources;
- accommodating the needs of humans in the environment;
- promoting sustainable development;
- enhancing and improving aesthetic quality in the landscape.
With these values and LACF’s endorsement of the CSLA Canadian Landscape Charter 2015, LACF develops programs and implements activities towards realizing its mission such as:
- funding research and communication initiatives consistent with the values and at the forefront of the profession of Landscape Architecture today;
- raising awareness and understanding of the fundamental ideals of the profession of Landscape Architecture by communicating results widely;
- supporting students and emerging professionals as the next generation of leaders in Landscape Architecture.
Programs and Activities
Since its inception over 30 years ago, LACF has established and developed core programs and activities in support of research, communication and scholarship. Through fundraising, donations and legacy bequests we have raised well over a million dollars, and over $500,000 has been invested in 150+ research and communication projects. We are proud that a uniquely Canadian perspective of landscape and priorities emerge from this body of work.
Over the years, the Annual Grants Program has funded research and communication projects such as oral histories, education programs, design research, video productions, conference proceedings and more. Grant proposals are submitted late fall, and award winners are announced in January. To showcase this work, LACF’s website maintains an Annual Grants Portfolio featuring the year's award-winning proposals and a Portfolio Archives that keeps a record of all LACF funded projects (grants, bursaries and special projects). LACF grant recipients recognize that landscapes are vital and seek to expand knowledge, inspire stewardship and demonstrate leadership through their work.
LACF supports communication initiatives through the grants adjudication process and special project funding. Special projects, as the name implies, are requests submitted outside the grants program that receive funding according to strict criteria and board approval. LACF supports communication initiatives that are highly visible and aligned with its mission.
LACF is particularly proud of its expanding scholarship program. In less than four years, the number of scholarships managed by the Foundation grew from a single award to 15 awards in all. Many of these academic awards have been established in collaboration with like-minded partners who understand that by supporting our brightest and best students, we are ensuring our future and making Canadian LA programs more attractive and competitive. Our Canadian students and scholars benefit from the support and recognition offered by these awards.