Illustration of the TOWN OF MOUNT ROYAL- MODEL CITY as designed by Frederick Gage Todd, c. 1912, Source: Town of Mount Royal Archives
Ten for Todd Fundraising Campaign
Meet the Ten for Todd supporters who have donated $5,000+ to endow the Frederick Gage Todd National Scholarship.
Deadline: April 15, 2025 at 4 pm ET
One prize of $10 000 will be awarded to an outstanding Canadian student enrolled in a CSLA-accredited program of landscape architecture. This scholarship recognizes a student who demonstrates exceptional knowledge, skill and commitment directed to the advancement of Canadian landscapes through the practice of landscape architecture.
LACF established this award to recognize and encourage outstanding scholars who are preparing for entry into the profession. The objective of this scholarship is to support individuals who demonstrate:
- academic excellence
- leadership, through professional involvement, community involvement or public affairs
- demonstrated future potential
- application of design as demonstrated by the quality of the portfolio.
Students eligible for this scholarship are those who in Fall 2025 will be enrolled full time in the final year of a CSLA-accredited Master of Landscape Architecture program.
LACF welcomes applications or nominations recognizing underrepresented groups, including women, First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples, people of colour, people who identify as LGBTQ or people with disabilities.
Applicants must be Canadian citizens or have permanent resident status in Canada.
Evaluation Criteria
The winner of the Frederick Gage Todd National Scholarship will possess the social and environmental awareness as well as the design ability necessary to address society’s aspirations for sustainable ecosystems and healthy human habitats. This will be gauged by evaluating students’ professional understanding, ability, motivation and skill in communication as demonstrated in their submission.
- Understanding will be evaluated by the applicant’s demonstrated awareness, comprehension and responsiveness to environmental and social influences on landscapes as reflected described in the Canadian Landscape Charter (CLC | CCP).
- Ability will be judged by the applicant’s demonstrated skill in analysis, concept development, planning and design.
- Motivation will be measured by the applicant’s academic and professional performance, involvement in extracurricular and professional activities, as well as current career and future plans.
- Communication skill will be assessed by the applicant’s ability to communicate professionally and effectively in written and graphic forms.
Award Adjudication
LACF will appoint a professional jury of professionals to conduct a review of applications and nominate the winner of the 2025 Frederick Gage Todd National Scholarship.
Award Schedule
15 April 2025 Application deadline
April-May 2025 Adjudication of award
September 2025 Announcement of scholarship
September 2025 50% of funds released
January 2026 Remaining funds released
The winning scholar will be asked to consent to publication of their name, as well as images and short extracts from their application submission, for publicity purposes. Additionally, the recipient will be presented with a complimentary registration for the CSLA Congress, and an opportunity to apply for a travel grant to cover expenses. The recipient will also be asked to participate in other types of promotional activities, such as a scholarship recognition event, interviews, etc., as applicable.
Submit your Application
The LACF will be using a web-based application platform for all awards and honors going forward. Please follow the steps, below, to make a submission:
- Create an account on this website, click on the "Apply" tab at the top of the page, then click on the application form for this award. (If you already have an account, you can log in on this page)
- By creating an account with Good Grants, you will be able to save your application and return to it at another time. You will use this same account for all other submissions.
Please contact if you have any trouble using the application platform.
Applications are due on or before April 15, 2025 at 4 pm ET.
Supplementary notes:
- Incomplete or non-compliant applications may be excluded from consideration.
- LACF reserves the right to not make an award if no outstanding candidate is nominated.
Questions may be submitted to Katherine Velluso at: with the subject line: FGTNS Inquiry.
Who was Frederick Gage Todd?
Todd c. 1909, Mccord Museum Archives . CREDITS_ Wm. Notman & Son, Copyright: © Musée McCord, Source : McCord Museum, #II-175018
For nearly half a century Frederick G. Todd planned, designed and carried out "public and private works of beautification and utility with nature herself as partner." He was the first resident landscape architect in Canada and for most of his professional life was one of only a small number of landscape architects and town planners committed to the art and practice of structuring urban growth in the first half of this century throughout Canada. A published author, Todd was a passionate advocate of the wise use of the natural resource base and he devoted much time and energy to a variety of civic institutions and professional organisations