Join us for our Annual Members' Meeting on May 31st, 2023
Time: 12 pm to 1 pm EDT
Location: by videoconference
LACF Members are invited to vote in the Annual Meeting. LACF Members include individuals, firms, or organizations that have donated $100 or more to LACF in the calendar year 2022. Firms and organizations have one vote at the Annual Meeting.
According to LACF bylaws, you may vote via proxy at the Annual Meeting of LACF Members by assigning your proxy to a Member who is attending the meeting.
STUDENTS: Apply for the 2023 Frederick Gage Todd Scholarship
Applications are due on or before June 1st, 2023 at 4 pm ET.
One prize of $10 000 will be awarded to an outstanding Canadian student enrolled in a CSLA-accredited program of landscape architecture. This scholarship recognizes a student who demonstrates exceptional knowledge, skill and commitment directed to the advancement of Canadian landscapes through the practice of landscape architecture.
Robert N. Allsopp Urban Design Fellowship
Applications are due on or before June 1st, 2023
The Robert N. Allsopp Urban Design Fellowship is intended to provide a practicing mid-career landscape architect, whose work and exploratory interests are in urban design, with funds for research or pursuing a specific area of inquiry over a five-to-six-month ‘sabbatical’. The Fellowship will provide support for urban design research which elevates the art, science, and practice of landscape architecture, contributes to the knowledge base of the profession and is beyond the scope of the projects in their office or practice.
LACF Awards $50,000 in Research Grants in 2023
Landscape Architecture Canada Foundation (LACF) is pleased to announce the recipients of funding in the 2023 Annual Grants Program in support of research, communication and scholarship. This year, 6 professional awards and two student awards were approved by the jury.
Watch the 2022 LACF Scholars Presentation on our YouTube channel
Watch the video | Learn more about the scholars