Collectively Building Knowledge
One of the prime objectives of LACF is to promote research in landscape architecture and related professions that increases the body of knowledge and informs practice in ways that will lead to creating a more sustainable and resilient future. LACF invests in research that subscribes to the LACF mission of making positive and legacy contributions to our natural and built environments and, that endorses the principles of the CSLA Canadian Landscape Charter 2015.
Recognize, protect, manage and celebrate Canadian landscapes | CLC-CCP 2015
Investing in Research
Since its inception in 1989, LACF has funded research and communication initiatives. Projects have ranged from Healing and Therapeutic Garden Design Guidelines, to eed-funding for the publication of a book by author and landscape architect Ron Williams entitled Landscape Architecture in Canada. There is a decidedly Canadian focus to LACF's work and, it’s a legacy of which to be proud.
Learn more about LACF's:
- Research Grants Program and Research grants portfolio: the list of all funded research projects
- Robert N. Allsopp Urban Design Fellowship
- Special Project Grants
- Günter A. Schoch Grant for the History of the Profession
- Northern Research Grant
- Donald Graham Communication Grant
- Sustainable Buildings Canada Grant